Babushka is a humble tool for automating computing chores.
For each job, a test, and the code to make that test pass. On the left is a babushka dep, and on the right, what happens when it's run.
dep 'nginx running' do
requires 'nginx configured'
def netstat_cmd
"netstat -an | grep '^tcp.*[.:]80 .*LISTEN'"
met? {
shell?(netstat_cmd).tap {|r|
log "#{r ? 'Some' : 'No'}thing listening."
meet {
log_shell 'Starting', 'initctl start nginx'
$ babushka ‘nginx running’
nginx running {
nginx configured {
✓ The config is valid.
} ✓ nginx configured
Nothing listening.
meet {
Starting… done.
Something listening.
} ✓ nginx running
sh -c "`curl`"